

申诉程序不是对抗性的, nor are they intended to duplicate the formal proceedings of a legal court of law. Students are subject to the directives of those administrators responsible for the particular departments.


Upon notification of an incident, the Assistant 教务长 for Residential Communities & 社区标准 will initiate an investigation. Following an investigation 和 upon determination by the Assistant 教务长 for Residential Communities & 社区标准 that a violation has occurred, the student will be charged. 被指控的学生将被告知指控. 


总统, 首席学术官, 教务长, Senior Vice President for Planning 和 Administration, 或其指定的代表, has the authority 和 “sole discretion” to carry out immediate disciplinary or administrative action on behalf of the College. 在某些情况下, prompt 和 decisive action may be required before there is an opportunity to conduct a hearing, as in cases in which a student’s continued presence on campus constitutes an immediate threat to the well-being or property of members of the College community, 或是学院的有序运作.

If an individual is unable to function within the college community, demonstrates behavior that is deemed to be physically or emotionally harmful to others or oneself, 违反行为准则, interferes with the academic progress of other students, 和/or is otherwise disruptive to the college community, the College reserves the right to respond accordingly, 这可能包括, but is not limited to any of the following: counseling or psychiatric referral off-campus, 纪律处分, 停学或离校.


The following provides a general history of administrative sanctions:


  1. 谴责/纪律警告: A written notice that a continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct, 在规定的时间内, will be grounds for more serious 纪律处分. Disciplinary warning, if given, extends through graduation.
  2. 行为/纪律缓刑: Action permitting a student to remain at the College on probationary status. 在试用期内, if the student is found guilty of a further violation of a College regulation, 该学生可能受到休学处分, 被学院开除或开除.
  3. 悬架: Exclusion of a student from the College for a definite period of time, 不超过一个日历年, as set forth in the written notice of suspension subject to other College regulations. Suspension or expulsion may occur mid-semester with no reimbursement of fees, 居住生活, 或到目前为止的大学费用.
  4. 分离: Termination of a student’s status with the College for a definite period of time, 超过一个日历年. Upon expiration of the designated period of separation, the student seeking to re-enter the College shall be required to reapply.
  5. 开除: Permanent separation of a student from the College.

B类* In addition or in place of the penalties listed in Category A, 可采取下列处罚:

  1. 社区服务: An assignment to perform a task or service for the College or a College-sponsored organization.
  2. 赔偿: Reimbursement for damage to, or destruction or misappropriation of property.
  3. 撤销特权: Loss of the privilege of living in College residence halls, 使用学院餐饮设施, 或者在校园里有一辆汽车. 失去一般地位或认可.
  4. 对违法行为进行适当的特别制裁 (i.e. 要求课程、辅导、服务项目等.)

类别C *

  1. All other penalties as authorized by the 教务长  or the Assistant 教务长 for Residential Communities & 社区标准.

*These penalties are subject to change or alteration as directed by the 教务长 or the Assistant 教务长 for Residential Communities & 社区标准.
