

The purpose of this procedure is to provide currently enrolled 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 students with an opportunity to resolve complaints alleging inappropriate application to a student of any rules or policies of the 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 campus, 除非与学业成绩申诉和第九条纪律事件有关.


学生申诉委员会由一名主席组成, 两名由首席学术官任命的教员, 及两名由学生会主席委任的学生.


Informal mediation is an option for the complainant to pursue before deciding whether or not to file a formal complaint under the 学生申诉政策.

The Senior Vice President for Planning 和 Administration serves as the Student Grievance Complaint Resolution Officer.

如需非正式调解, the complainant must contact the Student Grievance Complaint Resolution Officer to act as mediator between both parties. In the event that the 学生投诉委员会 Complaint Resolution Officer is the focus of the student complaint, then the complainant may contact the Chief Academic Officer who will appoint an alternate Complaint Resolution Officer.

Attempts to resolve complaints through the 非正式的中介 process should be completed within thirty (30) business days from the time at which the student knew or could reasonably be expected to have known of the action being grieved.


如果学生对非正式调解过程的结果不满意, the student may file a formal student grievance within twenty (20) business days from the time of the completion of the informal grievance process. 学生申诉必须以书面形式提出,并由学生签名. 申诉必须尽可能包含学生的地址和电话号码, 对所遭受的具体行为的详细说明, 行动发生的大致日期, 伤害:由此造成的伤害或伤害, 具体的法律, 政策, 或被指控违反的规则(如果已知), 对支持申诉的证据的描述, 非正式调解是否可用及已完成, 以及所要求的补救或救济. It is the responsibility of the complainant to update the Complaint Resolution Officer (CRO) as to the appropriate address to use throughout the grievance process.

The student complainant may be assisted by a parent or legal guardian during the grievance process. 如果学生需要导师的协助, 学生必须提交指定指导老师的姓名, 并注明顾问是家长还是法定监护人. The student also must submit a signed statement authorizing the adviser to receive copies of relevant student records 和 correspondence regarding the grievance 和 to accompany the student to any meetings.

在收到正式的学生申诉后, the Complaint Resolution Officer shall review the grievance 和 make an initial determination regarding whether the grievance is complete, 及时的, 在学生申诉程序的管辖范围内, 并宣称事实, 如果这是真的, 会违反法律或学校政策吗. The CRO shall complete initial review of the grievance 和 notify the complainant of the determination in writing within twenty (20) business days of the receipt of the complaint.

如果申诉办认定申诉不完整, the student will have ten (10) business days from the date of the written notice to make the grievance complete. 如果学生未能完成申诉,申诉将被驳回. 如果申诉办认定申诉不合时宜, 不在管辖范围内, 或者事实上不够充分, 申诉将被驳回. 如果不满引发了多个问题, 投诉办将就每个问题作出上述决定. CRO可以根据此审核流程调查某些问题并驳回其他问题.

如果投诉被驳回, 投诉处理办公室将向学生提供一份书面解释,说明开除学生的理由. The student will have ten (10) business days from the date of the written notice of dismissal to request an appeal of the dismissal from the Chief Academic Officer. 上诉请求书必须有签名, 书面文件,说明申诉办驳回案件的决定为何是错误的. The Chief Academic Officer will respond in writing within twenty (20) business days of receipt of the appeal. 如果驳回的决定被维持,那就是最终决定. 如果驳回的决定在上诉中被推翻, the case shall be sent back to the CRO for investigation in accordance with the procedures outlined below.

如果投诉办认定投诉已完成, 及时的, 并且有潜在的优点, 投诉书副本, 连同任何相关文件, 会向学生投诉委员会成员提供的资料, 并会安排听证会的日期和时间. Hearings will be scheduled no later than twenty (20) business days following the submission of the complaint. The refusal of any party to attend the scheduled hearing date shall not result in a delay of the hearing.

The 学生投诉委员会 shall interview all parties together so that there is an opportunity to discuss all allegations. 听证会将被录音. 学生申诉委员会将作出决定, 呼吁, 和 study what further evidence or witnesses may be necessary before reaching a final determination. All parties shall have an opportunity to hear all witnesses 和 review all further evidence received 和 considered by the Committee.

在听证会之后, the 学生投诉委员会 shall retire to an executive session (unrecorded) to reach its determination as to the responsibility of the person, 人, 或被投诉的实体. 用以裁定被告的责任, 学生申诉委员会的六名投票成员中必须有四人同意.

The Grievance Committee will present its findings in writing within ten (10) business days of the conclusion of the hearing process to each of the parties involved, 和CRO, 还有一个推荐的治疗方法, 制裁, 或补救和/或制裁的范围. 投诉办将评估建议的补救措施及/或制裁。, 并通知投诉人, 以及被告(如适用)的书面形式.

决定, remedies 和/or 制裁s may be appealed by the complainant or the accused to the Chief Academic Officer within ten (10) business days of written notification of final grievance procedure outcome from the CRO. 上诉请求书必须有签名, 阐明为什么委员会的决定是错误的书面文件, 或者为什么所征收的补救措施和/或制裁是不适当的. The Chief Academic Officer will respond in writing within twenty (20) business days of receipt of the written appeal. 首席学术官的所有决定是最终的.
